Photos that feel like home

 wedding photo & Video

Documentary Style

Welcome! Nice to connect, I'm Lee, a Carolina based  wedding photographer documenting destination weddings, elopements, and intimate weddings that are driven by a deep sense of nostalgia and feeling. My style is natural & organic; the kind of images that connect you back to moments, people and places. I like to shoot a wedding as if I was one of your guests; raw, sincere, from the inside out.

I look forward to getting to know you too!

Documenting love
is how I make art.

"Lee is one of a kind! His wedding photography is beautiful and even more so, is the passion for his work with others."

- Gabby & Jason

A little about what you'll find here...

Every couple has a unique story to tell, and I am dedicated to documenting each wedding to reflect everyones individuality, ensuring that when you look back and  see the images of your wedding day, they are unforgettable memories we create together.

Your Love Is Unique  

Featured Weddings

Charleston, SC Wedding

Explore The Stories

The key to any wedding day is to be fully present and in the moment with one another. When we work together, the wedding day is all about the love you two share, your families, the unforgettable moments and the moment in time when two souls untie symbolically to venture on the journey of life together. 

"THE BEST IN THE BUSINESS!!! Lee was beyond wonderful to work with, not only day-of, but leading up to our special day. He was always on top of everything, making sure my now Husband and I were ready to go and made sure we had fun in the process. Throughout the day he was making sure to get every perfect shot and every perfect moment. He knew the best styles and locations for each picture and gave great photo shoot advice! Our families loved having him there too as he fit right in! We got a sneak pic of some photos the next morning!! And I can just say I can’t wait to see how the rest of them came out! HIGHLY RECOMMEND HIM!!!"

Margo & John

Lee has an eye for capturing beautiful romantic images. We used him for our wedding and the entire process from beginning to end was so comforting and easy. Lee felt like family, from getting to know what was important to us to capturing images that we get to keep for a lifetime. We will definitely be using his services again! Also he got us our sneak peak photos back 2 DAYS after the wedding!!!!!

Jessica & Brandon

"Lee did an amazing job with our photos for our wedding. I typically feel very uncomfortable in front of a camera but Lee made the whole experience feel very natural. He worked in a timely manner without compromising the quality or quantity of our pictures. We even received a sneak peek of our photos in less than 24hrs! He was very personable and patient with us. I would definitely recommend Lee for any of your photography needs!"

Meghan & Tony

Lee has an eye for capturing beautiful romantic images. We used him for our wedding and the entire process from beginning to end was so comforting and easy. Lee felt like family, from getting to know what was important to us to capturing images that we get to keep for a lifetime. We will definitely be using his services again! Also he got us our sneak peak photos back 2 DAYS after the wedding!!!!!

Reema & Kyle


& Kind Words



A Passion For Travel

Shooting weddings near, far and everywhere

Are you dreaming of a destination wedding?

There's something special about being able to explore the world and capture love along the way - a romantic sentiment that I'm fortunate enough to experience through my job.

If you've ever dreamed of saying 'I do' somewhere far away, let me help make your destination wedding dreams come true! 

Let's connect!










Bucket List


Dominican Republic



Documenting real people & authentic moments





Every story, every moment

Want to include video on your wedding day? We work with some of the best videographers to bring you the highest quality video all in one service.

The finished results of photos and video will match your wedding vision, and it allows us to work together as a team while documenting your day.

From your day

All the Highlights


Let's Create Some Magic

Send a Note

Let's Connect

I look forward to getting to know you!